Radio in Transit
hyper-local transnational radio : open for conversation
receiving and transmitting from wherever you are.
Join guests in the Transit Lounge and enjoy the free floating conversational flow! An audio oasis. Collecting conversations instead of souvenirs. Dreaming new futures and making them real. As people pass through the Transit Lounge, they leave something of themselves and become part of our shared ‘home’ radio space. Independently produced online & terrestrial broadcasts with people changing the world.
Every conversation is an invitation
Start a conversation; tell a story about the places in between, what inspires you and keeps life interesting, adventures, dreams and visions… Socially engaged networks, embodied interactions, collaborative futures, informal esoteric floating oceans of conversation.
Transit Lounge Radio is 100% independently produced.
Your generous support will help keep the conversation flowing!

Transit Lounge Radio @ Transit Lounge Berlin & Pixelache, Helsinki, 2007.
Transit Lounge, Berlin 2007
The transit lounge is the archetypal transit space, the point where the hyper-global + hyper-local coincide; a location which blurs traditional conceptions of geo-political boundaries, creating pockets of international space within the borders of individual nation-states. An in-between space, it exists relative to a fixed departure and arrival point, not to the area that surrounds it.

Transit Lounge was a series of overlapping residencies for Australian and German artists and architects in Berlin from 2006-2008.
It’s also a blog where themes relating to the project develop, collaborations are initiated and sustained, and observations on the city collected.
A series of conversations with artists, curators, activists and creators at Pixelache Electronic Arts Festival, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki 2007.
Day One: Jodi Rose talks with JB, Alex Berry, Teemu Maki, Sirpa Jokinen and Michael Glen.
Day Two: talking with Armin Medosch, Beuce Samu, Marius Watz, Ville Hyvonen, Andras Loo about machines, radio, animation, open source software, generative art, Berlin, Helsinki, Pixelache and more.
Day Three: talking with Tom Holley, John Hopkins, Kjersti Andvig and Tim Jones.
Day Four: talking with James Medcraft, Bertrand Gonduin, Erik Minkkinen, Xarene Eskander and Andrew Paterson.
“I find myself experiencing a strange sense of instant nostalgia, memories forced into being before their natural time to re-surface.”
Transit Lounge Radio episodes & irregular occurrences:
5th Inter-format Symposium on time (and inter-formativity) Nida Art Colony, Lithuania.
The participatory nature of the symposium – between a conference and an art festival – brings together 40 professionals (artists, curators, scientists, researchers, time-managers).

Aims: To reflect upon and rethink the symposium as an experiential and discursive space where knowledge sharing happens in very different formats, beyond our usual understanding of what is a lecture and performance; To consider the role of time as a medium for sharing experiences and knowledge, including it’s out/on-goingness and limitations.
T.R.A.C.E.S. Tea & Radio Lounge 2011
CONVERSATION ARCHIVE with radioCona @ Open.Zone transmediale.11

Traces Tea and Radio Lounge at The Open Zone during transmediale.11 offers a space for slow culture, open to relaxed interaction and deeper exchange with a live radio show, on-site collaborative publication, tea made from wild Lithuanian herbs, and cake!
A beginners guide to… Bifo
Jodi Rose in conversation with Franco Berardi (Bifo) about the anxiety and pathology of the net generation, the attention economy, exhaustion and oil painting in the green room at transmediale.11 in Berlin.
Keynote: Life at Work: Bioeconomy and the Crisis of Cognitive Capitalism.
LOGIN Festival, Vilnius Lithuania 2018
LOGIN 2018 – the largest, most uncompromising innovation bash in the Baltics. At LOGIN, the roadmap for INNOVATION is TECHNOLOGY x CREATIVITY x BUSINESS. Whether you’re a blockchain geek, a currencies philosopher or a sophisticated designer, if you believe your desk isn’t the only place where innovation happens – you must LOGIN!
Content isn’t everything. Context is everything.
Conversation to Save the World! The Game is Up! 2008
I accept an invitation from Eva de Groote to visit her in Ghent at Vooruit Media Art Centre and somehow manage to time the trip so that I have the pleasure of conversing with many of the artists presenting their work in the festival: The Game Is Up! How to Save the World in Ten Days!
How to Save the World in Ten Days! Article on We Make Money Not Art